Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What we have been up to...


We're back! We took a short hiatus but we have been trying to keep our lovely followers/sanity saving Crafters up to date with what we have been up to via our Facebook page. Ariadne and I are giving Craft Shows another go in Belmont, NC in October (we have sent our application in so cross your fingers for us and hop around three times). We are still contemplating doing another show in December although it does not look very promising (we have been accepted but the quality of the show is possibly lacking). I have been working a lot and filling orders along with throwing a few items each week into auctions to try and make a little bit of extra money. It is hard to 'craft like a badass' when you are disappointed in the way your first show went and sales have slacked off. 

The past few weeks I have realized a few things:
1) Do not go to Wal-Mart on Tax Free Weekend no matter how badly you are out of food.
2) Do not go to Wal-Mart on a Saturday.
3) Do not go looking for a car when your husband tells you not to because you will inevitably end up having a wreck (that was not your fault) but you will still get blamed for it EVEN IF YOU TRY AND SAY YOU DECIDED TO GO TO JOANN'S INSTEAD!
4) Everyone should be required at some point in their lives to work at a gas station.
5) I am no Susie Homemaker.
6) I either need a blog for my 'feelings' or some anger management classes (probably both)
7) I use to say that people's intelligence amazed me (but it's more like their lack of intelligence). 

All our female followers should check out this HILARIOUS but addicting BLOG. Much laughter has ensued and be sure to like them on Facebook too! I have been slacking on updating my Twitter so my Facebook page is the best way to see updates on my crafts.

I recently celebrated my 21st Birthday on July 29, I have enjoyed being able to reward myself for not losing my mind at work with a drink when I come home. Although I have realized that "drunk sewing" is not advised.
 Here is a picture of me, on my birthday with my glorious cake which I may or may not have eaten 95% of it by myself.

Stay Sane My Friends,